
Nicole Hearfelt Designs

     What exactly is a Heartfelt changeable? A few months ago while visiting a local boutique with my mother I could not help but notice how enamored she was with the decorative felt pillows displayed throughout the store. I carefully looked the pillows over and figured since Christmas time was fast approaching I would try my hand at creating a version of my own. A affordable alternative to what the store was offering.

    I was hooked and found creating felt flowers to be very therapeutic. While arranging finished flowers on the pillows I wondered.. "What if you could take one pillow and change it up several different ways?" To suite the seasons or even a woman's ever changing moods..

    I am still in the beginning phases of this venture and have many wonderful ideas! Baby shower and wedding gift ideas...the possibilities are truly endless! At my Etsy shop you can begin purchasing applique packs to add to your collection of changeables! Pins also available!
Nicole Heartfelt Designs

 Some of my favorites!



  1. Your designs are really pretty, your very talented! Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. those are so pretty! i love the little hairbow one too with the gem on it.
