
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Today I am grateful for...

     Fellow bloggers and their amazing ideas! The ribbon bracelet tutorial from tatertots & jello has saved the day! As a very important date nears I have been struggling! A dear beloved friend of ours is fighting a battle no parent should have to battle....

      I was about to order the plastic bands everyone wears in support of cancer awareness when I found this darling idea on Pinterest. I immediately fell in love and made it my own. I love that it is more personal and amplifies the message of whom we are fighting for! I had so much fun with different ribbons and stitching! I had left over charms from mothers day crafts, buttons and small beads.....

With all my heart! Love and miss you guys!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Eight tips to surviving the outdoors with your toddler...

Because sometimes the real danger is the screaming toddler in footed jammies!

    As a mother of three, two of which I raised up from newborn I am not immune to all nighters! Three insanely long nights in particular stick out in my mind...The first two would be the deliveries of my babies. My babies take a long time to get here. Seventeen and fourteen hours of anxious anticipation!

    The third insanely long night of my life? 

    That would be the first night my family of five crammed into our new camping trailer for what we hoped to be a restful nights sleep....

    Sweet baby K was convinced that camping's sole purpose was... baby torture! As we listened to her scream, a scream that was not from this earth I felt my last nerve snap! Wondering if this was what we were in for...long nights of  sleepless screaming! It is funny how dedicated we become when sleep training our little ones. Training them to have the confidence to sleep in their own bed and to fall asleep on their own...

    Take them away from their comfort zone and all that confidence is lost as they try to figure out why, and where, and what the?! 

    But dedicated campers and parents are we! Here are eight tips to make your camping trips a little easier this summer season!

Tip one: Get your toddler used to the idea of sleeping in your tent or trailer! Baby K and I took a nap in our trailer yesterday. I let her lay by me and look around. Once she was drowsy I slipped her into the small bed we had crafted for her of the side of our bed.

Tip two: Camping only toys! Grab a tote full of your baby's favorite toys and store them with your camping gear! Toys that she only plays with while camping. This builds excitement as she looks forward to the next time she plays with them!

Tip three: Let her explore! This is hard for me as I am a helicopter mom of sorts! Dress her  in long pants, light long sleeved shirts with shoes and socks then let her roam safely  within eyesight! The new sights and sounds will fascinate your baby and wear her out!

Tip four: Anticipate getting no sleep! If you are prepared to comfort fears and anxiety you will be a much better parent at three in the morning. Lay down in the afternoon with your child and gear up for whatever your baby has in store!

Tip five: Recruit older siblings and the hubs. If you are like me you have the main responsibility for baby. However, I am also fortunate to have an amazing husband and two older kids that are just waiting for me to hand over baby. Hand her over for a hike with daddy while you prepare meals then switch off. Help your husband relax too! He will also be a much better parent and support system at three in the morning!

Tip six: Breath! Your little one will soon get used to the idea and learn from your reactions whether camping is a good or bad thing! Smile! Relax!

Tip Seven: Pack for safety as well as comfort! Recreate the creature comforts of home and pack small travel size portions of baby's favorites! Remember pain and allergy relievers!  Our Sweet baby K was cutting top molars and we were so grateful for infant Advil!

Tip eight: Remember fire precautions! We got in the habit of not even allowing our little one to play near the unlit fire pit. That way when we did roast hot dogs she already knew it was not an area she was allowed in. Use caution with hot dogs and warm foods.

    Enjoying activities year round with our families is indeed a privilege! Learning the little tricks of traveling with kids is worth it's weight in gold!

How do you survive summer travels?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A nearly wordless Wednesday...

       Bloggers Blahk! Otherwise known as writers block...

    I have been suffering from bloggers blahk! This morning as I put in my time on the treadmill, watching the Cool T.V. out of the corner of my eye and wondering if Phil Collins watches the video for I Can't Dance with amusement like the lady in the Prego commercial "What other questionable choices have I made?!"... Wondering and laughing out loud I wished that the time would pass me a little quicker which also lead to the random thought "Maybe if I just stay on the treadmill time will slow down?" Is it just me or do the minutes literally crawl during a workout?

    Anyway my original wonderings on the treadmill were in regard to my lack of posts lately...    I do not know if I am suffering from writers block really or if I am just "In it" Have you ever seen the movie Garden State? It is one of my favorites. I also helps that I adore Zach Braff....In the movie "Large" is trying to see life and it's meaning while dealing with the loss of his mother. While he is home for her funeral he meets Sam played by Natalie Portman. This is where the phrase "In it" came from.

"In it"

   In my head trying to figure out and solve the dilemas of my little world Trying to understand with an open heart the intentions of those around me. Fighting to see reason. Hoping to in my own little way contribute to the happiness of the hearts around me while keeping every piece of me intact...

Feeling a little like this...

"Are you Mom enough?"

    By now we have all seen the controversial Time magazine cover. By now we have also had time to ingest and form our own opinions...

     Jamie Lynne Grumet a 26-year-old mother from California has forced us all to take a look at our definition of being "Mom enough" What exactly does that mean anyway? Mom enough... While the title of the article was sure to evoke anger over the implication of  a sea of unfit mothers the message is simple. A mother exercising her right to do what she feels best for her child. If she feels that nursing her child to the age of six and possibly beyond... is that not her choice? If her child shows signs of emotional trauma she will have to then also make decisions for her child's welfare and well being...

    While I think that the door for judgement was swung wide open by herself and others who subscribe to attachment OK to let it become such a controversial issue?  Invading our homes with ferocity. Are you mom enough to not be bothered by what the world thinks? Being a mother is a certain special life calling. Having worked outside of the home full time and now being a WAHM has changed my perspective a whole hundred and eighty degrees. Each day right or wrong I do what I feel is best for my children albeit I will not be contacting Time magazine to encroach on my personal life and choices...

    Who are we to tell a mother that she is wrong to attachment parent. Does it have a direct impact on your life? It is time we settle down and worry about the happenings inside our own homes. Nursing is a bond that cannot be described until you have experienced it. My goal was to BF Sweet baby K to six months. Six months came and I simply could not break this bond. The most beneficial time for a child to nurse is the first year of life. Although physically I was miserable my heart settled for another six months. I wonder if this is the reasoning for attachment parenting.... It is more about the parent than the child?

    A week shy of her first birthday my baby was weaned. I rode a roller coaster of emotions. While believing that I would dance with joy around a burning pile of nursing bra's....I cried. I had to fight my own emotions for her to succeed, because I felt it was the best for her. I was mom enough to put my own heart aside so our emotional bond could grow in other ways.

    If attachment parenting works for be it! It does not work for me and I shudder now at the thought or rather reality of the possibility of extended nursing.

What are you thinking about this issue?