
Monday, January 24, 2011

The gift of re-wreathing..

For one reason or another...I am obsessed with the appearance of our front door. I do actually believe it is a trend now sooo...Last July I began collecting a wreath for each season. As the season would pass and I would prepare to don the door with the current seasons wreath I always cringed at the thought of storing my wreaths under the stairs for a year, getting crunched and mashed. So I decided not to put them away!
My first errand of the morning was to the craft store. I needed to replace our Christmas wreath in it's obvious festive decor. I just wanted something simple for the remaining portion of winter, then my spring wreath hunt will begin! I wanted a simple grapevine. Love them! They sure are expensive! I had the strange thought back to a trip I recently made to Deseret Industries. While browsing the store for old shelves I could refinish I had seen piles and piles of old holiday grapevine wreaths adorned accordingly. For dirt cheap! The same wreath this particular size at the craft store was nearly twenty bucks...

With a little work and love, for two dollars....Voila!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

With friends and family like mine...

A dear friend who is a genius at catering, plus... The company of friends and family....

Plus all the good loot:)

Equals a Saturday with friends and family like mine! Thanks guys!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Vintage?

Precious family gems. A wall that needed a little something extra!

Monday, January 17, 2011

What I am Learning...

There are never enough opportunities to sit down and capture what is going on around you. Life...busy, busy. Then you catch a break and you open your eyes and allow the tunnel to dissolve. Seeing new chances to make ammends. Seeing situations for what they truly are. Making choices for not only yourself but your family, hoping each time to gain just a little more... Peace.